

Neufert C.
Transmural intestinal fibrosis in men and mice
BMJ Journals.

Ganzleben I., M.F. Neurath and C. Becker
Autophagy in Cancer Therapy-Molecular Mechanisms and Current Clinical Advances
Cancers. 13(21):5575.
doi: 10.3390/cancers13215575.

Voskens C.J.
, D. Stoica, S. Roessner, F. Vitali, S. Zundler, M. Rosenberg, M. Wiesinger, J. Wunder, B. Siegmund, B. Schuler-Thurner, G. Schuler, C. Berking, R. Atreya and M.F. Neurath
Safety and tolerability of a single infusion of autologous ex vivo expanded regulatory T cells in adults with ulcerative colitis (ER-TREG 01): protocol of a phase 1, open-label, fast-track dose-escalation clinical trial
BMJ Open. 11(12):e049208.
doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-049208.

Leppkes M., A. Lindemann, S. Gößwein, S. Paulus, D. Roth, A. Hartung, E. Liebing, S. Zundler, M. Gonzalez-Acera, J.V. Patankar, F. Mascia, K. Scheibe, M. Hoffmann, S. Uderhardt, C. Schauer, S. Foersch, C. Neufert, M. Vieth, G. Schett, R. Atreya, A.A. Kühl, A. Bleich, C. Becker, M. Herrmann and M.F. Neurath
Neutrophils prevent rectal bleeding in ulcerative colitis by peptidyl-arginine deiminase-4-dependent immunothrombosis
Gut. gutjnl-2021-324725.
doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324725.

Alexander T., JA. Snowden, J. Burman, HD Chang, N. Del Papa, D. Farge, JO Lindsay, F. Malard, PA. Muraro, R. Nitti, A. Salas, B. Sharrack, M. Mohty and R. Greco
Intestinal Microbiome in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation For Autoimmune Diseases: Considerations and Perspectives on Behalf of Autoimmune Diseases Working Party (ADWP) of the EBMT
Frontiers in Oncology. 11:722436.
doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.722436.

Schaupp L., S. Muth, L. Rogell, M. Kofoed-Branzk, F. Melchior, S. Lienenklaus, S. C Ganal-Vonarburg, M. Klein, F. Guendel, T. Hain, K. Schütze, U. Grundmann, V. Schmitt, M. Dorsch, J. Spanier, PK. Larsen, T. Schwanz, S. Jäckel, C. Reinhardt, T. Bopp, S. Danckwardt, K. Mahnke, GA. Heinz, MF. Mashreghi, P. Durek, U. Kalinke, O. Kretz, TB. Huber, S. Weiss, C. Wilhelm, AJ. Macpherson, H. Schild, A. Diefenbach and HC. Probst
Microbiota-Induced Type I Interferons Instruct a Poised Basal State of Dendritic Cells
Cell. 181(5):1080-1096.e19
doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.04.022.

Holthaus D., M.R. Kraft, S.M. Krug, S. Wolf, A. Müller, E.D. Betancourt, M. Schorr, G. Holland, F. Knauf, J.D. Schulzke, T. Äbischer, and C. Klotz
Dissection of barrier dysfunction in organoid-derived human intestinal epithelia induced by Giardia duodenalis.
Gastroenterology. In Press.
doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2021.11.022.

Witkowski M., C. Tizian, M. Ferreira-Gomez, D. Niemeyer, T.C. Jones, F. Heinrich, S. Frischbutter, S. Angermair, T.  Hohnstein, I. Mattiola, P. Nawrath, S. McEwen, S. Zocche, E. Viviano, G.A. Heinz, M. Maurer, U. Kölsch, R.L. Chua, T. Aschman, C. Meisel, J. Radke, B. Sawitzki, J. Röhmel, K. Allers, V. Moos, T. Schneider, L. Hanitsch, M.A. Mall, C. Conrad, H. Radbruch, C.U. Dürr, J.A. Trapani, E. Marcenaro, T. Kallinich, V.M. Corman, F. Kurth, L.E. Sander, C. Drosten, S. Treskatsch, P. Durek, A. Kruglov, A. Radbruch, M.F. Mashreghi, and A. Diefenbach
Untimely TGFβ responses in COVID-19 limit antiviral functions of NK cells
Nature. In Press.
doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-04142-6.

Stehle, C., T. Rückert, R. Fiancette, D.W. Gajdasik, C. Willis, C. Ulbricht, P. Durek, M.F. Mashreghi, D. Finke, A.E. Hauser, D.R. Withers, H.D. Chang, J. Zimmermann, and C. Romagnani
T-bet and RORα control lymph node formation by regulating embryonic innate lymphoid cell differentiation
Nature Immunology. 22(10):1231-1244.
doi: 10.1038/s41590-021-01029-6.

Haghikia, A., F. Zimmermann, P. Schumann, A. Jasina, J. Roessler, D. Schmidt, P. Heinze, J. Kaisler, V. Nageswaran, A. Aigner, U. Ceglarek, R. Cineus, A.N. Hegazy, E.P.C. van der Vorst, Y. Döring, C.M. Strauch, I. Nemet, V. Tremaroli, C. Dwibedi, N. Kränkel, D.M. Leistner, M.M. Heimesaat, S. Bereswill, G. Rauch, U. Seeland, O. Soehnlein, D.N. Müller, R. Gold, F. Bäckhed, S.L. Hazen, and U. Landmesser.
Propionate attenuates atherosclerosis by immune-dependent regulation of intestinal cholesterol metabolism.
Eur Heart J. ehab644.
doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehab644.

Lang-Schwarz, C., M. Angeloni, A. Agaimy, R. Atreya, C. Becker, T. Dregelies, S. Danese, J.F. Fléjou, N. Gaßler, H.I. Grabsch, A. Hartmann, K. Kamarádová, A.A. Kühl, G.Y. Lauwers, A. Lugli, I. Nagtegaal, M.F. Neurath, G. Oberhuber, L. Peyrin-Biroulet, T. Rath, R. Riddell, C.A. Rubio, K. Sheahan , B. Siegmund, H. Tilg, V. Villanacci, M. Westerhoff, F. Ferrazzi, and M. Vieth.
Validation of the ‘Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Distribution, Chronicity, Activity [IBD-DCA] Score’ for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn´s Disease.
J Crohns Colitis. 15(10):1621-1630.
doi: 10.1093/ecco- jcc/jjab055.

Acera, M.G., M. Bubeck, F. Mascia, L. Diemand, G. Sturm, A.A. Kühl, R. Atreya, D.C. Lie, M.F. Neurath, M. Schumann, C.S.N. Klose, Z. Trajanoski, C. Becker, and J.V. Patankar.
Dynamic, Transient, and Robust Increase in the Innervation of the Inflamed Mucosa in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.
Cells 10(9):2253
doi: 10.3390/cells10092253

Acera, M.G., J.V. Patankar, L. Diemand, B. Siegmund, M.F. Neurath, S. Wirtz, and C. Becker.
Comparative Transcriptomics of IBD Patients Indicates Induction of Type 2 Immunity Irrespective of the Disease Ideotype.
Frontiers in Medicine 8:664045.
doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.664045

Ackermann, M., H.J. Anders, R. Bilyy, G.L. Bowlin, C. Daniel, R. De Lorenzo, M. Egeblad, T. Henneck, A. Hidalgo, M. Hoffmann, B. Hohberger, Y. Kanthi, M.J. Kaplan, J.S. Knight, J. Knopf, E. Kolaczkowska, P. Kubes, M. Leppkes, A. Mahajan, A.A. Manfredi, C. Maueroder, N. Maugeri, I. Mitroulis, L.E. Munoz, T. Narasaraju, E. Naschberger, I. Neeli, L.G. Ng, M.Z. Radic, K. Ritis, P. Rovere-Querini, M. Schapher, C. Schauer, H.U. Simon, J. Singh, P. Skendros, K. Stark, M. Sturzl, J. van der Vlag, P. Vandenabeele, L. Vitkov, M. von Kockritz-Blickwede, C. Yanginlar, S. Yousefi, A. Zarbock, G. Schett, and M. Herrmann.
Patients with COVID-19: in the dark-NETs of neutrophils.
Cell Death and Differentiation 28(11):3125-3139.
doi: 10.1038/s41418-021-00805-z.

Anchang, C.G., C. Xu, M.G. Raimondo, R. Atreya, A. Maier, G. Schett, V. Zaburdaev, S. Rauber, and A. Ramming.
The Potential of OMICs Technologies for the Treatment of Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(14):7506.
doi: 10.3390/ijms22147506.

Atreya, R., and M.F. Neurath.
Can Serum Proteomic Profiling Annunciate Individual Disease Progression in Newly Diagnosed Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients?
Journal of Crohns & Colitis 15(5):697-698.
doi: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjab009.

Atreya, R., and B. Siegmund.
Location is important: differentiation between ileal and colonic Crohn’s disease.
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology 18(8):544-558.
doi: 10.1038/s41575-021-00424-6.

Bittel, M., P. Reichert, I. Sarfati, A. Dressel, S. Leikam, S. Uderhardt, I. Stolzer, T.A. Phu, M. Ng, N.K. Vu, S. Tenzer, U. Distler, S. Wirtz, V. Rothhammer, M.F. Neurath, R.L. Raffai, C. Günther, and S. Momma.
Visualizing transfer of microbial biomolecules by outer membrane vesicles in microbe-host-communication in vivo.
Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 10(12):e12159.
doi: 10.1002/jev2.12159.

Bojarski, C., M. Waldner, T. Rath, S. Schürmann, M.F.F. Neurath, R. Atreya, and B. Siegmund.
Innovative Diagnostic Endoscopy in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: From High-Definition to Molecular Endoscopy.
Frontiers in Medicine 8:655404.
doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.655404.

Bojarski, C., P. Tangermann, C. Barmeyer, J. Buchkremer, R. Kiesslich, M. Ellrichmann, S. Schreiber, C. Schmidt, A. Stallmach, R. Röhle, C. Loddenkemper, S. Daum, B. Siegmund, M. Schumann, and R. Ullrich
Prospective, double-blind diagnostic multicentre study of confocal laser endomicroscopy for wheat sensitivity in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
Gut. gutjnl-2021-325181.
doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325181

Buchbender, M., J. Fehlhofer, P. Proff, T. Most, J. Ries, M. Hannig, M.F. Neurath, M. Gund, R. Atreya, and M. Kesting.
Expression of inflammatory mediators in biofilm samples and clinical association in inflammatory bowel disease patients-a preliminary study.
Clinical Oral Investigations
doi: 10.1007/s00784-021-04093-2.

Buchele, V., P. Konein, T. Vogler, T. Kunert, K. Enderle, H. Khan, M. Buttner-Herold, C.H.K. Lehmann, L. Amon, S. Wirtz, D. Dudziak, M.F. Neurath, C. Neufert, and K. Hildner.
Th17 Cell-Mediated Colitis Is Positively Regulated by Interferon Regulatory Factor 4 in a T Cell-Extrinsic Manner.
Frontiers in Immunology 11:590893.
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.590893.

Delbue, D., L. Lebenheim, D. Cardoso-Silva, V. Dony, S.M. Krug, J.F. Richter, S. Manna, M. Munoz, K. Wolk, C. Heldt, M.M. Heimesaat, R. Sabat, B. Siegmund, and M. Schumann.
Reprogramming Intestinal Epithelial Cell Polarity by Interleukin-22.
Frontiers in Medicine 8:656047.
doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.656047.

Drobny, A., P.A. Ngo, M.F. Neurath, F. Zunke, and R. Lopez-Posadas.
Molecular Communication Between Neuronal Networks and Intestinal Epithelial Cells in Gut Inflammation and Parkinson’s Disease.
Frontiers in Medicine 8:655123.
doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.655123.

Enderle, K., M. Dinkel, E.M. Spath, B. Schmid, S. Zundler, P. Tripal, M.F. Neurath, K. Hildner, and C. Neufert.
Dynamic Imaging of IEL-IEC Co-Cultures Allows for Quantification of CD103-Dependent T Cell Migration.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(10):5148.
doi: 10.3390/ijms22105148.

Ferreira-Gomes, M., A. Kruglov, P. Durek, F. Heinrich, C. Tizian, G.A. Heinz, A. Pascual-Reguant, W.J. Du, R. Mothes, C.F. Fan, S. Frischbutter, K. Habenicht, L. Budzinski, J. Ninnemann, P.K. Jani, G.M. Guerra, K. Lehmann, M. Matz, L. Ostendorf, L. Heiberger, H.D. Chang, S. Bauherr, M. Maurer, G. Schonrich, M. Raftery, T. Kallinich, M.A. Mall, S. Angermair, S. Treskatsch, T. Dorner, V.M. Corman, A. Diefenbach, H.D. Volk, S. Elezkurtaj, T.H. Winkler, J. Dong, A.E. Hauser, H. Radbruch, M. Witkowski, F. Melchers, A. Radbruch, and M.F. Mashreghi.
SARS-CoV-2 in severe COVID-19 induces a TGF-beta-dominated chronic immune response that does not target itself.
Nature Communications 12(1):1961.
doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22210-3.

Fischer, S., S. Cohnen, E. Klenske, H. Schmitt, F. Vitali, S. Hirschmann, A. Ramming, S. Zundler, T. Rath, S. Krebs, F. Dorje, W. Uter, D. Nagore, S. Meyer, M.F. Neurath, and R. Atreya.
Long-term effectiveness, safety and immunogenicity of the biosimilar SB2 in inflammatory bowel disease patients after switching from originator infliximab.
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 14:1756284820982802.
doi: 10.1177/1756284820982802.

Gerbeth, L., B. Siegmund, and R. Glauben.
Histone Deacetylases in the Inflamed Intestinal Epithelium-Promises of New Therapeutic Strategies.
Frontiers in Medicine 8:655956.
doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.655956.

Günther, C., V. Rothhammer, M. Karow, M. Neurath, and B. Winner.
The Gut-Brain Axis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Current and Future Perspectives.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(16):8870.
doi: 10.3390/ijms22168870.

Hernandez, D.C., K. Juelke, N.C. Muller, P. Durek, B. Ugursu, M.F. Mashreghi, T. Ruckert, and C. Romagnani.
An in vitro platform supports generation of human innate lymphoid cells from CD34(+) hematopoietic progenitors that recapitulate ex vivo identity.
Immunity 54(10):2417-2432.e5.
doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.07.019.

Hirschmann, S., S. Fischer, E. Klenske, K. Dechant, J.H.W. Distler, C. Treutlein, M.F. Neurath, and R. Atreya.
Case report of severe constrictive perimyocarditis and ischemic hepatitis in a Crohn’s disease patient upon infliximab-induced lupus-like syndrome.
Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology 14:17562848211044033.
doi: 10.1177/17562848211044033.

Hosari, D., S. Hosari, A. Mahajan, L. Oreski, J. Schoen, X. Shan, J. Singh, H. Wang, K.O. Yaykasli, J. Knopf, L.E. Munoz, C. Schauer, and M. Herrmann.
Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 39:1151-1152.

Hu, J.C.E., F. Weiss, C. Bojarski, F. Branchi, J.D. Schulzke, M. Fromm, and S.M. Krug.
Expression of tricellular tight junction proteins and the paracellular macromolecule barrier are recovered in remission of ulcerative colitis.
Bmc Gastroenterology 21(1):141
doi: 10.1186/s12876-021-01723-7.

Jackson, M.A., C. Pearson, N.E. Ilott, K.E. Huus, A.N. Hegazy, J. Webber, B.B. Finlay, A.J. Macpherson, F. Powrie, and L.H. Lam.
Accurate identification and quantification of commensal microbiota bound by host immunoglobulins.
Microbiome 9(1):33.
doi: 10.1186/s40168-020-00992-w.

Jefremow, A., and M.F. Neurath.
SARS-CoV-2 Virus Manifestations in the Gastrointestinal Tract: Therapeutic Implications.
Visceral Medicine 37(1):63-69.
doi: 10.1159/000513180.

Jessen, B., Y. Rodriguez-Sillke, E. Sonnenberg, M. Schumann, A. Kruglov, I. Freise, F. Schmidt, J. Maul, A.A. Kühl, R. Glauben, D. Lissner, and B. Siegmund.
Level of Tumor Necrosis Factor Production by Stimulated Blood Mononuclear Cells Can Be Used to Predict Response of Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases to Infliximab.
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 19(4):721-731.
doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2020.03.066.

Kang, L., A. Schmalzl, T. Leupold, M. Gonzalez-Acera, R. Atreya, M.F. Neurath, C. Becker, and S. Wirtz.
CCR8 Signaling via CCL1 Regulates Responses of Intestinal IFN-gamma Producing Innate Lymphoid CelIs and Protects From Experimental Colitis.
Frontiers in Immunology 11:609400.
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.609400.

Katkeviciute, E., L. Hering, A. Montalban-Arques, P. Busenhart, M. Schwarzfischer, R. Manzini, J. Conde, K. Atrott, S. Lang, G. Rogler, E. Naschberger, V.S. Schellerer, M. Stürzl, A. Rickenbacher, M. Turina, A. Weber, S. Leibl, G.E. Leventhal, M. Levesque, O. Boyman, M. Scharl, and M.R. Spalinger.
Protein tyrosine phosphatase nonreceptor type 2 controls colorectal cancer development.
Journal of Clinical Investigation 131(1):e140281.
doi: 10.1172/JCI140281.

Lang-Schwarz, C., A. Agaimy, R. Atreya, C. Becker, S. Danese, J.F. Flejou, N. Gassler, H.I. Grabsch, A. Hartmann, K. Kamaradova, A.A. Kühl, G.Y. Lauwers, A. Lugli, I. Nagtegaal, M.F. Neurath, G. Oberhuber, L. Peyrin-Biroulet, T. Rath, R. Riddell, C.A. Rubio, K. Sheahan, H. Tilg, V. Villanacci, M. Westerhoff, and M. Vieth.
Maximizing the diagnostic information from biopsies in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases: recommendations from the Erlangen International Consensus Conference on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and presentation of the IBD-DCA score as a proposal for a new index for histologic activity assessment in ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
Virchows Archiv 478(3):581-594.
doi: 10.1007/s00428-020-02982-7.

Lechner, K., S. Mott, R. Al-Saifi, L. Knipfer, S. Wirtz, R. Atreya, M. Vieth, T. Rath, T. Fraass, Z. Winter, A. August, J. Luban, V.S. Zimmermann, B. Weigmann, and M.F. Neurath.
Targeting of the Tec Kinase ITK Drives Resolution of T Cell-Mediated Colitis and Emerges as Potential Therapeutic Option in Ulcerative Colitis.
Gastroenterology 161(4):1270-1287.

Lehmann, M., K. Allers, C. Heldt, J. Meinhardt, F. Schmidt, Y. Rodriguez-Sillke, D. Kunkel, M. Schumann, C. Bottcher, C. Stahl-Hennig, S. Elezkurtaj, C. Bojarski, H. Radbruch, V.M. Corman, T. Schneider, C. Loddenkemper, V. Moos, C. Weidinger, A.A. Kühl, and B. Siegmund.
Human small intestinal infection by SARS-CoV-2 is characterized by a mucosal infiltration with activated CD8(+) T cells.
Mucosal Immunology 14(6):1381-1392.
doi: 10.1038/s41385-021-00437-z.

Mahajan, A., L. Hasikova, U. Hampel, A. Gruneboom, X.M. Shan, I. Herrmann, F. Garreis, F. Bock, J. Knopf, J. Singh, C. Schauer, S. Mahajan, M. Leppkes, F. Paulsen, U. Schlotzer-Schrehardt, V. Krenn, A. Junemann, B. Hohberger, G. Schett, M. Herrmann, and L.E. Munoz.
Aggregated neutrophil extracellular traps occlude Meibomian glands during ocular surface inflammation.
Ocular Surface 20:1-12.
doi: 10.1016/j.jtos.2020.12.005.

Mahapatro, M., L. Erkert, and C. Becker.
Cytokine-Mediated Crosstalk between Immune Cells and Epithelial Cells in the Gut.
Cells 10(1):111.
doi: 10.3390/cells10010111.

Maschmeyer, P., H.D. Chang, Q.Y. Cheng, M.F. Mashreghi, F. Hiepe, T. Alexander, and A. Radbruch.
Immunological memory in rheumatic inflammation – a roadblock to tolerance induction.
Nature Reviews Rheumatology 17(5):291-305.
doi: 10.1038/s41584-021-00601-6.

Meinhardt, J., J. Radke, C. Dittmayer, J. Franz, C. Thomas, R. Mothes, M. Laue, J. Schneider, S. Brunink, S. Greuel, M. Lehmann, O. Hassan, T. Aschman, E. Schumann, R.L. Chua, C. Conrad, R. Eils, W. Stenzel, M. Windgassen, L. Rossler, H.H. Goebel, H.R. Gelderblom, H. Martin, A. Nitsche, W.J. Schulz-Schaeffer, S. Hakroush, M.S. Winkler, B. Tampe, F. Scheibe, P. Kortvelyessy, D. Reinhold, B. Siegmund, A.A. Kühl, S. Elezkurtaj, D. Horst, L. Oesterhelweg, M. Tsokos, B. Ingold-Heppner, C. Stadelmann, C. Drosten, V.M. Corman, H. Radbruch, and F.L. Heppner.
Olfactory transmucosal SARS-CoV-2 invasion as a port of central nervous system entry in individuals with COVID-19.
Nature Neuroscience 24(2):168-175.
doi: 10.1038/s41593-020-00758-5.

Muhl, L., E. Becker, T.M. Muller, R. Atreya, I. Atreya, M.F. Neurath, and S. Zundler.
Clinical experiences and predictors of success of treatment with vedolizumab in IBD patients: a cohort study.
Bmc Gastroenterology 21(1):33.
doi: 10.1186/s12876-021-01604-z.

Munoz, M., A.N. Hegazy, T.M. Brunner, V. Holecska, R.M. Marek, A. Frohlich, and M. Lohning.
Th2 cells lacking T-bet suppress naive and memory T cell responses via IL-10.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118(6):e2002787118.
doi: 10.1073/pnas.2002787118.

Neufert, C., C. Heichler, T. Brabletz, K. Scheibe, V. Boonsanay, F.R. Greten, and M.F. Neurath.
Inducible mouse models of colon cancer for the analysis of sporadic and inflammation-driven tumor progression and lymph node metastasis.
Nature Protocols 16(1):61-85.
doi: 10.1038/s41596-020-00412-1.

Neurath, M.F.
COVID-19: biologic and immunosuppressive therapy in gastroenterology and hepatology.
Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology 18(10):705-715.
doi: 10.1038/s41575-021-00480-y.

Neurath, M.F., K. Uberla, and S.C. Ng.
Gut as viral reservoir: lessons from gut viromes, HIV and COVID-19.
Gut 70(9):1605-1608.
doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324622.

Patankar, J.V., M.T. Chiriac, M. Lehmann, A.A. Kühl, R. Atreya, and C. Becker.
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Attachment Receptor Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Is Decreased in Crohn’s Disease and Regulated By Microbial and Inflammatory Signaling.
Gastroenterology 160(3):925-928.e4.
doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2020.10.021.

Patankar, J.V., T.M. Muller, S. Kantham, M.G. Acera, F. Mascia, K. Scheibe, M. Mahapatro, C. Heichler, Y.Q. Yu, W. Li, B. Ruder, C. Günther, M. Leppkes, M.J. Mathew, S. Wirtz, C. Neufert, A.A. Kühl, J. Paquette, K. Jacobson, R. Atreya, S. Zundler, M.F. Neurath, R.N. Young, and C. Becker.
E-type prostanoid receptor 4 drives resolution of intestinal inflammation by blocking epithelial necroptosis.
Nature Cell Biology 23(7):796-807.
doi: 10.1038/s41556-021-00708-8.

Pradhan, R., P.A. Ngo, L.D.C. Martinez-Sanchez, M.F. Neurath, and R. Lopez-Posadas.
Rho GTPases as Key Molecular Players within Intestinal Mucosa and GI Diseases.
Cells 10(1):66.
doi: 10.3390/cells10010066.

Regensburger, D., C. Tenkerian, V. Purzer, B. Schmid, T. Wohlfahrt, I. Stolzer, R. Lopez-Posadas, C. Günther, M.J. Waldner, C. Becker, H. Sticht, K. Petter, C. Flierl, T. Gass, T. Thoenissen, C.I. Geppert, N. Britzen-Laurent, V.S. Meniel, A. Ramming, M. Stürzl, and E. Naschberger.
Matricellular Protein SPARCL1 Regulates Blood Vessel Integrity and Antagonizes Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 27(9):1491-1502.
doi: 10.1093/ibd/izaa346.

Rincon-Arevalo, H., M. Choi, A.L. Stefanski, F. Halleck, U. Weber, F. Szelinski, B. Jahrsdorfer, H. Schrezenmeier, C. Ludwig, A. Sattler, K. Kotsch, A. Potekhin, Y.D. Chen, G.R. Burmester, K.U. Eckardt, G.M. Guerra, P. Durek, F. Heinrich, M. Ferreira-Gomes, A. Radbruch, K. Budde, A.C. Lino, M.F. Mashreghi, E. Schrezenmeier, and T. Dorner.
Impaired humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 vaccine in kidney transplant recipients and dialysis patients.
Science Immunology 6(60):eabj1031.
doi: 10.1126/sciimmunol.abj1031.

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